Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A dab will ruin you

I could not believe it. I looked down at my pant leg and saw a rorschach-like splash of white standing out against the black background of the fabric that used to be a part of my favorite pair of dress slacks. I looked again to make sure I was seeing it right.

"How the heck did that happen?" I asked myself. Then it dawned on me. I went into our laundry room and pushed aside a bottle of bleach that was sitting on the floor with my foot. The cap must have been loose and a few drops must have sprayed forth onto the hem of my pants.

It is amazing how an inconsequential act can have such disastrous effects. It struck me that the same is true when it comes to sin. Jesus said there is no such thing as a minor sin. It is always an offense against God. You and I know that sin always comes back to haunt us.

Little lies grow lives of their own. One indiscretion stretches into a web of deception. Take something that doesn't belong to you and it feeds a hunger that calls out to us to do it again. It doesn't take much before a blessed life turns into one of sorrow and regret.

It is better to watch our step and take the time or spend the effort to do things right. If I had picked up the bleach today I would still be wearing my favorite pair of pants. I've learned a lesson the hard way. Let's hope we can all learn from our mistakes.


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