Sunday, October 7, 2007

Trust God and live victoriously

I was at the hospital this afternoon and I stumbled across one of the most compassionate physicians I've ever met. The family I was with was having a difficult time trying to make the right decision regarding their mom. Knowing that I was present, he immediately picked up on the "God language" and told them that the best thing they could do was put their mom in God's hands.

He spoke to them about the loving care she had given them and commended them on their love and support of her. It was very touching to see. Even though he had met them a year earlier, he spoke to them as if they were his own family. He told them of their options and then left them to make the decision.

The truth is that all of us live lives that are fragile at best. We never know when our hour will come. The best thing we can do is approach life and put our faith in trust in God to see us through. Once we do that, we can live victoriously because as the Apostle Paul said, "we are more than conquerors in Christ."


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