Sunday, December 30, 2007

The future is now

I'm sick today. It's funny but the world doesn't stop just because you happen to be under the weather. Sometimes you just have to get off the ride and let things go on without you. It's hard for me to let go but in the wonderful world of God I caught a break.

Today is our annual youth recognition Sunday and one of our college students is giving the message and our high school and college youth are leading the service. My role is to give them all parts to play and then step back and let them run the show. I do have a bit more to do than usual because many of our college students have graduated and we do not have a big contingent of high school students. Still, it came at a good time for me.

Melissa Hauser will be our student preacher today. She is the fourteenth to be honored in this way. The tradition dates back to 1994 but actually is a tribute to my pastor. He encouraged a whole group of us to get involved in the church as teenagers. We were Sunday School teachers, choir members, speakers, organists and soloists. He saw the kids as the future of the church and instead of just talking about it, he made it happen.

The truth is that these kids are our future. If there is any hope for the church it will come from their enthusiasm and ideas. The Holy Spirit will use their gifts and talents to reach the world. I like to say that today we will get a glimpse of the future. Well, say a prayer for me that I get over this bug and a prayer for the kids that they will know how much we love and appreciate them.


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