For the first time in as many years as I can remember I did not have trouble finding a parking spot to watch the Norwich Winter Festival Parade. I just pulled into my driveway and proceeded to walk across Chelsea Parade. You see now we live right where all the action is. We don't have to fight the crowds and worry about getting a parking ticket or face an angry homeowner. It is almost like having a front row seat.
Afterwards I thought about how the same is true for us when we accept Christ. Life still has its ups and downs but the road becomes a lot easier to navigate. It is like having preferred parking. You can get up close to the Lord and He gives you strength and courage to face your trials.
The good thing is you don't have to sell your house to do it. You just need to get on your knees and ask him to make a place for you. The Bible says "ask and it will be given." So do it and start enjoying the benefits that come with your new diggs.
I am so thankful for the strength He gives me to make it through my trials. And I am forever grateful that He has shown me He uses our trials to refine us and make us more like Him!!!
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