Sunday, November 11, 2007

The music meisters

Norwich hosted the Annual Choir Festival tonight and it was one of the best ever. Each choir brought something special to the table and offered it to the Lord. I always say that we get a slice of what happens on Sunday in each congregation at the Choir Fest.

Tonight I was struck by the dedication of the organists and choir directors. Many of us in the congregation take what they do for granted. We sing along with the organ and sit back and listen to the choir. In the small membership church it isn't uncommon for them to be one and the same. They balance another job with their devotion to the music ministry of the church.

When they direct the choir, they try to get every bit of talent out of the members so that they can set the tone of the worship service. I tell my choir director that she is really the one in charge on Sunday morning. She sets the tone with her music. She prepares the congregation to meet God in the Word and sacrament.

If you haven't done so in the last month or so, make sure you tell your director that you appreciate them. They are a blessing from God.


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