Saturday, September 1, 2007

You are what you drink

I stopped at Dunkin Donuts this morning and ran into my friends Mike and Maria. As we were chatting she remarked that if you sit there a while you will notice that everyone comes in and gets their coffee differently. Maria is in marketing. She came up with a funny thought. She said that you could almost guess how people took their coffee just by looking at them. One man came in looking angry and rushed and she said, "Now he is a dark and bitter man." Sure enough he ordered his coffee black. A woman came in and ordered hers with lots of milk and sugar. Sure enough she looked like a "light and sweet" type of person.

It got me thinking about what our habits say about us. Billy Graham once said that you can tell a lot about a person by what they carry in their wallet or pocket book. I think that is also true about the way we approach life and the way we engage in the things we do. Do we jump in with both feet? Do we have to have every i dotted and t crossed. Where does our faith fit in all of this.

I like to think that when people see me in action, they see a man who walks with God. I like to think that they see someone who trusts God and tries to live on God's terms. I hope it shows. How about you? Maybe we need to be more aware of what we say and do so we can more accurately reflect our Lord's presence in our lives.

By the way, I always order a french vanilla decaf with milk and one splenda. What does that say about me?


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