This morning I took some time to clean up my computer desk top. One of the jobs I took care of was organizing my pictures on the computer and putting them in folders. As I was doing this I came across a recent photo of Miss Connecticut, Dana Daunis, and me.
On my wall at church I have a few celebrity photos. Over the years I have been blessed to meet and have my picture taken with Governor Jodi Rell, evangelist Luis Palau, basketball player Ernie DiGregario, Detroit Tiger pitcher Nate Robertson and Miss America 2005 Dierdre Downs to name a few.
There is something thrilling about being in the presence of someone who is famous. To have a photo taken is to capture a bit of the magic and to keep it with you for years afterwards. As I came across this photo, it struck me that as Christians we have the joy of walking and living in the presence of greatness every day. We don't have to go looking for it. God comes to us and invites us to be with him.
Hey, the truth is that every picture I have with a celebrity is just a picture with two people standing together. There is nothing more there. But with God there is substance and depth because God knows and loves us. He cares about us and has plans for our lives.
So if you want to get in the picture with true greatness, accept God's invitation and invite him into your life.
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