Friday, January 11, 2008

Speed bumps ahead

I took the monthly newsletter to the Post Office distribution center this afternoon and came upon two brand new speed bumps in the driveway. When I say speed bump, I am really understating the size of these things. Speed mountains is more like it. You literally have to stop and roll over them slowly or else you will damage your vehicle.

The Distribution Center has had speed bumps there since the building was built a few years ago. Initially they were the standard type you see everywhere. Last summer I noticed that sections of the bumps had been ripped away. They obviously didn't hold up to the number of tractor trailer trucks that come and go every day. By last fall the speed bumps had been removed altogether. I presumed too many people had run right over them to the point that they were not doing the job.

That won't happen again. The truth is that these speed bumps are so big that I scraped bottom going over one of them today. They are big enough to slow even the most determined vehicles and you either have to deal with them or wreck your car.

Every once in a while we come across speed bumps like that in life don't we? Like a mountain that lands in our path, we have to figure a way over or around it. If we try barreling through it, we end up crashing and ruined. I tend to believe that just like with the speed bumps at the distribution center, there is a good reason for those we come across in life. Sometimes God wants us to slow down so we can see what He is doing. Even if it is annoying and bothersome, we should always look at these little bumps as opportunities to stop and spend a little time with the Lord. Slowing down is not a bad thing. It gives us time to look around and remember where we are and what we are doing. So have a good day and watch out for the speed bumps.


1 comment:

Denise said...

I love slowing down, and enjoying time with the Lord.