Saturday, January 12, 2008

Holy Places

I took a walk back through my old neighborhood tonight. No, not Case Street. I walked around Grant Court. That is the where we bought our first house in Norwich. It was a great place for the kids. It was a side street with limited traffic flow. There were sidewalks and little fences around some of the houses.

As I walked past the house I was brought back nearly twenty years and I saw Becky riding her tricycle down the walk. I saw Sarah climbing up on top of her play house. I remember the day we moved. Our kids and the children of our best friends were all on the porch playing as we loaded the truck.

We had church picnics in the back yard and as I walked by I flashed back to the weekend when my dad and I (mostly my dad) put vinyl siding on the house. It still looks pretty good all these years later.

The power of place is something special. No wonder the Israelites often marked the places where they visited God. It made think that this is why the church sanctuary is such a special place. It is one place where people meet God. It is holy ground.

If you have been away, why not come home and visit a place where God drops by.

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