Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hugs from God

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

I am convinced that what this world needs more than anything else is a few more people hugging each other. I found this cute graphic on my friend Denise's blog (www.shortybearsplace.blogspot.com). I was immediately reminded of a scene that takes place regularly here at church on Sunday mornings as people come in the door. Either O.B. or Judy or one of the other regulars will greet people at the door with a hug.

The world can be a tough and unforgiving place. We often get beat up and left on the doorstep most places we go. No one knows us and it seems no one cares. But that is not God's way. He knows us intimately and he rejoices whenever we come home to visit him. That is why hugging is often part of a Christian greeting.

There were two articles in the local newspaper about growing churches in our area. The common denominator in both articles was the sentiment that people felt welcome and loved when they came to church. It just goes to show that we all need a hug and God is always ready to accommodate us.

So if you have been away for a while, come on home and let God give you some love.


1 comment:

Denise said...

Amen, sending you cyber hugs my friend.