Saturday, March 29, 2008

It is easier than you think

This morning I finally went through my digital pictures on the computer and uploaded them to Coopers Photo on-line. I have to be honest with you. I have been intimidated by the thought of doing this. The last two or three times I tried it, I ended up messing up the order half way through. I felt totally inept. I just didn't want to put myself in that embarrassing position again. So I didn't do anything.

It made me think about the number of people who use that same excuse when it comes to going to church. They think about going but they remember some embarrassing situation and decide that they just won't chance that happening again. Whether it is not knowing when to stand up or where to find the reading, or not knowing which door to go in, we often make these excuses the reason we don't even bother trying any more.

Well here's the good news and the reason why we shouldn't let these things intimidate us. I got my pictures back today and they were great! I couldn't believe I waited so long to have them printed up. And it was easy too, much easier than I previously thought. The same is true with going to church. Once you go you will be blessed and it will make coming back easier each time you go.

So what are you waiting for? don't just think about going to church this week. Go be blessed.


1 comment:

Denise said...

You daily inspire me my friend, thank you.