Sunday, May 11, 2008

Whose seat are you in?

Yesterday I was at Men's Conference in Worcester, Massachusetts. The key note speaker was Chuck Colson and the church was packed with 1,300 en from across southern New England. We got there just as the opening session was getting ready to take off and there were not many seats left. We searched around and finally found two sets of two seats for our small group.

I watched for the next fifteen minutes as men continued to stroll in looking for seats. The host for the day made a number of announcements and gave instructions for the day. As he was talking even more men came in. About twenty minutes after we began I noticed the steady stream of newcomers had begun to dry up. It was about this time that the host introduced Chuck to the audience.

Charles Colson graciously made his way up to the podium and as he was on his way there I noticed an interesting thing happen. One of the ushers spotted a man looking for a seat and he went up to him and ushered him down to the front row where Chuck had been sitting. I was blown away by that image.

I couldn't help but think of how you and I have the great joy and privilege of sitting in the Lord's seat when we decide to invite him into our hearts. He gets up and we take his place. That is really what happened that day on Calvary. He took our place on the cross and we received his place at the heavenly banquet table.

I don't know if that guy even knew whose seat he was sitting in but I am sure that you and I know whose seat we have. That's grace and it is amazing. Praise God for the indescribable gift.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Grace is such a beautiful gift my friend.