Monday, May 26, 2008

Don't rush to judgement

I was looking for some new music to add to my i-pod the other day so I asked my daughter about a song I was looking at on i-tunes. She said she had a CD and I could use hers to add it to my collection. I have to confess that it was the first time I really thought about taking something from my daughter's collection. As I was browsing her CD collection and her play list from her i-pod I was startled to discover that she had a lot of songs I liked.

The truth is that I just took for granted the fact that she had her own music, rock, rap and stuff that I didn't really care for. I never really considered the fact that she would have a well rounded selection of tunes.

I am ashamed to say that I wrote her off because she is a teenager. I never considered that we shared this is common. It made me think of how many people we write off because they are different than us. We never consider reaching out to them, inviting them to church, or even showing them the simplest acts of love and kindness. It may be their skin color, their nationality, their political party, their neighborhood, their age, their sexual orientation, their profession, their social status or their clothing. Maybe its time to get to know someone before we make judgments on what they think and what they like.

I was reminded recently that God is the only one who truly knows a person's heart. Our job as Christians is to simply connect God with the people we meet every day. Let him work out the differences. He knows them better than we do, even if we are in the same family.


1 comment:

Denise said...

God always knows best.