Friday, March 2, 2007

Off the exit ramp

I have been to Westbrook several times over the years. We usually stop to eat at the Dennys or go shopping in the outdoor strip mall. The exit marks the half way
point on our trip to New Haven and so it is always a welcome sight.

This week I got off the exit looking for something to eat on the way home and missed the turn into Dennys and actually discovered a lovely town. I can't tell you how many times I passed this exit and never realized that there was more to Westbrook than what you see off the highway.

Of course I should have known for I have friends who live there now. They talk about it all the time. I should have realized that there was a school, and all kinds of
interesting places to visit.

Life is like that isn't it? We fly by so many things because we are so busy. We just get a sense of what is out there but never really discover the blessings that God puts in our paths.

Maybe it is time for all of us to slow down and enjoy the little treasures that dot the landscape of our lives. You never know what you will find. It could be the thing you have been longing for.


Amy said...

Hi Cal,

Westbook is a great town (with amazing people), but as you noted the view from the highway doesn't say much about the town. At a speed of at least 65 miles per hour I fly passed so many towns and so many children of God each week. It is a great reminder that God can reach beyond what we can see and know.


NptLove said...

Hi Pastor,
One of my favorite things to do is walk the beach in Newport and search for sea glass. They are little treasures to me and I always feel so lucky to find a piece, whether it is a piece less than a half-inch long or a bottom of an old Coke bottle. They way the ocean has smoothed them out is so amazing, and i can't help just picking them up. I must have over 10-15 baggies of sea glass, and have filled a lamp with it too.

-Emily D.-