Tuesday, October 12, 2010

He's watching you

This morning at the gym I checked in with my personal trainer, Marc Nee. I wanted to make an appointment to take my routine up to the next level. The first thing he said to me was this: "We need to work on those dead lifts don't we?"

I stuttered, "What?"

He said, "Yes, I saw you and you were arching your back quite a bit."

I laughed out loud. Every time I saw him he was always busy. He never seemed to notice me... but he was watching.

I thought about God. Sometimes we cheat and cut corners. We do things we know we shouldn't do but we think God is too busy to notice or that he won't care. Well if Marc cares about what I am doing and he is working as a personal trainer, then how much more do you think God will care. After all, he is the one who gave his only begotten son so we could get a fresh start on eternity.

So if you are having a problem with something in life, go to God and ask him to help you straighten it out. He'll be happy to do it.

Be blessed.


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