Sunday, March 9, 2008

God loves you

Yesterday Oliver Bray and I attended a day of workshops on church evangelism. At the end of the day we heard a panel discussion on how Jesus had influenced and touched their lives to share the Gospel. After they answered some prepared questions, the group took questions from the audience. One person asked them how their church had influenced them.

A woman in her fifties took that question and shared a shocking statement. She said that she had gone to church her whole life. Then a few years ago she and her husband began attending the Baptist church in Wallingford. She looked at us and said that for the very first time in her life she heard someone say that Jesus loved her.

The truth is that the world can be an unforgiving place and so can the church. Thanks be to God that we have a savior who loves us. It is our job to let the world know that. If you haven't heard it before I want to tell you today that God loves you.

It doesn't matter where you come from or what you have done in your past, God wants to forgive your past and invite you to spend the rest of your life with him. He wants to bless you, encourage you and use you to get the word out that he loves all of us. So rejoice and let the knowledge of God's love flow over you the rest of today.


1 comment:

Denise said...

I am blessed to be loved by my precious Father God.