Monday, March 24, 2008

It is not a piece of cake

I took today off. Call it my sabbath rest after a fast and furious week of worship, praise and celebration. I love Holy Week and all of its special services. The drama that comes from telling the story of Christ's passion and remembering God's love is like nothing else on earth.

By yesterday afternoon I was dragging a bit. So this morning I decided to stay home. I cleaned up a bit. Went and rented a movie and decided to curl up on the couch and relax. The only problem is that I got a little bit bored. For the last two hours I have been getting up and checking out the cupboards for something to snack on. I had a pop tart. Then I had some pistachios. I keep looking at the deviled eggs from yesterday but so far I have avoided them. There are also a couple of cupcakes left over from Sunday school yesterday. They have my name on them.

It's funny but it is a lot easier to avoid temptation when you are busy and focused on something good. When I get wrapped up in a project for church or am working on something at the house I can turn aside the temptation and ignore it. When I am sitting around with nothing to do, I get in trouble.

I think this is always true. That's the reality from where the saying "The idle mind is the devil's playground" came from. The devil seems to know when we are bored and looking for something to excite us. That's when he steps up the attacks. It is true for adults and for kids as well.

This is not to say that we should keep busy for the sake of being busy. It is simply a reminder that we should continually be striving to do meaningful things. As we seek to follow Christ, we can focus on activities and events and projects that will not only glorify him, but they will keep us healthy and safe.

Well, I think I am going to get up and go to the gym to exercise this temple. Have a good day and God bless!


1 comment:

Denise said...

Yes, I find that to be very true.